Getting Involved...

There’s more than one way that you can participate or volunteer and help us to make a real difference. Check out the opportunities to get involved below and contact us if you have any questions. We appreciate your interest

Admin, Partnerships & Capacity Building

Do you have some fundraising experience? Are you skilled in social media productions, advert and publicity?

We are looking for volunteers who are passionate about rural community development to help with fundraising, publicity, partnership building and other effective ways to advance our cause.

We are really keen to hear all about your fresh ideas.

Community Outreach

We plan to undertake outreach programmes to benefit the communities with which we will engage.

Our programmes will include medical outreaches, wellbeing sessions, skills training and others. We welcome medical doctors, dentists and opticians, public health practitioners, nutritionists and other professionals to support our cause.

We believe our collaboration can make a real difference to many vulnerable and disadvantaged members of our rural communities.

Please contact us today for a chat.
Be a Trustee

Becoming a member of our team of passionate and committed board of Trustees is really easy.

There is a role that you can play and we believe your interest in our work will be highly rewarding. We need you. Just bring along your passion!

Check out our team of Trustees and please get in touch with us today.